E49 | Creating a Brand that Gives Back | Jellaine Dee

From weekend market stalls to taking on multinational beauty heavy weights, Jellaine Dee's climb to the top has been both rapid and unconventional.  The Gold Coast local began her career in the advertising industry, but fairly quickly discovered she had the “entrepreneurial bug”.

Jellaine is the founder and Creative Director of Cherry Blooms.  Cherry Blooms’ goal is to be in the hearts and makeup bags of every woman in the world.  When Jellaine stumbled upon a Fiber Lash product while browsing at a Korean beauty store, she instinctively knew she’d found inspiration for a flagship product – a product that she became obsessed with fine-tuning and bringing to the west. She tweaked the formulation to add high quality beeswax and hyper allergenic plant-based fibers and began manufacturing the Brush On Fiber Lash Kit under her Cherry Blooms’ brand.

Jellaine is again turning her focus on changing the world of beauty by creating products that give back and make a difference in the world. 

Topics covered in this episode: Being more than just a pretty brand, Creating products that make a difference, Listening to your gut, Multiplying what works, Removing the separation between you and the customer, Finding what resonates with you, Finding Fulfillment in what you do, and so much more.

Website: https://www.cherryblooms.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherryblooms
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherrybloomsau/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cherrybloomsau

About Jellaine Dee

From weekend market stalls to taking on multinational beauty heavy weights, Jellaine Dee's climb to the top has been both rapid and unconventional.  The 32-year old Gold Coast local began her career in the advertising industry, but fairly quickly discovered she had the “entrepreneurial bug”.

Her first big product to bring to market was the Beauty Bag Organiser – the bag is a metaphor for the product developer behind it – organised, practical, adaptable and fashion-forward.

When Jellaine stumbled upon a Fiber Lash product while browsing at a Korean beauty store, she instinctively knew she’d found inspiration for a flagship product – a product that she became obsessed with fine-tuning and bringing to the west.

The product met Jellaine’s own desire for luscious lashes as she had been spending hundreds of dollars on a monthly basis on “uncomfortable” and “unhealthy” eyelash extensions.

She tweaked the formulation to add high quality beeswax and hyper allergenic plant-based fibers and began manufacturing the Brush On Fiber Lash Kit under her Cherry Blooms’ brand.

After selling out at local shopping events to soft launch her product, Jellaine knew she was onto a beauty game-changer. Having the foresight to understand the power of a database, Jellaine recorded email contacts for every single purchase and pre-order, laying the foundation for what was to become a truly digitally based business.  

Determined to get it to market as quickly as possible, Jellaine traveled to the world’s largest beauty expo in Las Vegas in the US, accompanied by her then baby girl, one assistant and 13 suitcases packed with sample products.

She created a buzz and became the talk of the international tradeshow, with a frenzy of distributors lining up to sign contracts and take her brand back to their territories.

Her orders jumped from a typical 30 units per customer to up to 10,000 units.

Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Lashes was a runaway success, once again selling out, oversubscribed and trailblazing a brand new Fiber Lash category.

Within 12 months of launching Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Lashes, Jellaine had hit the $1 million mark in revenue. She was doing deals, bigger than the lashes she was creating.

Today, as well as being a favourite among beauty therapists and makeup artists in Australia, Cherry Blooms is distributed across 50 states in the United States, Canada and several South American and European Union countries.

Through channeling social media and numerous tradeshows, as well as staying at the forefront of new innovative trends, Cherry Blooms has excelled within the highly competitive women’s beauty and style industry.

Despite numerous competitors since entering the Fiber Lash category Jellaine created, no product has come close to the efficacy nor the cult-following Cherry Blooms Brush On Fiber Lashes has attracted.

Among other high performing products, Cherry Blooms has also added a Fiber Brow Kit with Stencils along with an Extreme Waterproof Eyeliner to its list of cult-following beauty products.

Headquartered at a mansion on the Gold Coast and growing at an exponential rate year on year, Cherry Blooms employs a team of nine happy staff and numerous agents around the world.

Proving that work really can be fun, flexible and productive, Cherry Blooms is a woman’s paradise, abuzz with camera snaps, beauty and style samples, decorative flowers, Versace furnishings and laughter.

Cherry Blooms’ goal is to be in the hearts and makeup bags of every woman in the world.